Mail at the post office

Posted by Jared on July 10, 2024

Hello Matt, I have 2 messages at the post office. Alexa says I have none but the eb version says i have none but has a button to read but. I’ll leave it so this can look at my account.


Reply by Jennifer on July 11, 2024

I just looked at the post office and on the browser version you have to go to where it says open next message. I don't have any so I couldn't really check on the app. I'm guessing that if you are being notified that you have mail at the post office when you go in just say open next message. I'm about to summon Krampus so I can see how it works on the app.

Reply by Jennifer on July 11, 2024

I finally got the notification sound letting me know that I had mail at the post office. I looked at the post office on the browser version and next to the button that says open new message it did say that I had one message. I instead went to the Alexa app and I was notified that I had mail at the post office. When I went to the post office it said that it looked like I didn't have any new mail. I knew I did because I saw it on the browser version. I went back to the browser version and next to where it says open new message it still said I had one message. I opened it and it was the results from the one Krampus fight I did. I know this is a long explaination but I wanted to make sure I explained everything.

Reply by Jared on July 11, 2024

That's exactly what I'm saying. But the only reason why that I did not go into detail, if so that the developer can see what's going on. However, this is exactly what I am seeing.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on July 11, 2024

This post office issue should be fixed now. Let me know if there's still a problem and I'll look into it.

Reply by Jared on July 11, 2024

Hello Matt, yes! This post office issue has been fixed. But it seems like we still have other issues, including: with luxury, saying, thunder or thunder fury doesn't work using the skill on the device, and other things too. I bet you're working on them as fast as possible. The auction house looks a lot better now, through the browser and through the device. Keep up the great work!

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on July 11, 2024

Yes, you will most likely have to say "Use thunder fury" now. For whatever reason, the catch all command isn't working on Alexa at the moment. Amazon cares more about your privacy than your sanity, so they block catch all stuff like that on some skills. I may have to switch back to specific intents for each slot type, but that's didn't really work all that well either.

Edit: Also, it works on my testing skill on Alexa, so they must have not allowed it during certification. That's a bummer.

Reply by Jennifer on July 11, 2024

Jared, I know sometimes I might give too much details but that just seems to be how I am. Maybe I need to learn how to get the issue across in fewer words.

Reply by Jared on July 11, 2024

That actually used to work, where you could say, thunder or thunder, fury, and it would work. I also can't say spa either where I wanted to go to the spa to send my pets. I know you just released this brand, new update, and you're continuing to push out updates to what you wanna do, so I'm not trying to push you to hurry up and fix. Now I have mail on the post office, I'm gonna go and switch over to the device to see how it now works. Since I had cleared out all my mail and it did say I had none on both. I'll be back!

Reply by Jared on July 11, 2024

Jennifer, it's always better to give details. I didn't, because I'm using a phone. But we were able to get it fixed! I just went to my mailbox, and everything seems to be working now. It just says I have more mail, even if I had one message. But I think this is just a work in progress. Bug reporting is something I've been doing since I've been a child, and I pretty much failed at this one. You, just picked up the pieces.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on July 11, 2024

@jared, Yeah, it looks like Amazon is blocking most things said without a carrier phrase like "use" or "select" and sending the requests to the fallback intent. That's very unfortunate. You will have to say the skill slot number, which is 2 for thunder fury, or add a carrier phrase such as "use" or "select", for example "use thunder fury" or "select thunder fury" and short names should work to, like "select thunder" or "use fury"

You could also set Thunder Fury as the preferred skill in the barracks if you use that more than Arc.

Reply by Jared on July 11, 2024

I actually use both depending, but I hear you. It's all a learning curve. We’re all learning together.

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