Action Log in browser isn't Working

Posted by MysticalAlchemist on May 27, 2023

Hi Malero, I have refreshed many times, reconnected to the web site and restarted my computer twice, but the action log still isn't working for me at all. It hasn't been working for around 24 hours. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can give me.


Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on May 28, 2023

That is very strange. What browser are you using? It seems to be working for me in Chrome and Firefox on my PC and Chrome and Safari on my phone.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on May 28, 2023

It could be a browser extension or virus software blocking it.

Reply by MysticalAlchemist on May 28, 2023

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I have tried using both Firefox and Chrome with no luck. One of my friends who plays the game is also having similar issues with it. It was working well for me until the day before yesterday. It doesn't seem to matter which browser I use, the result is always the same. I am not sure what steps to take if my antivirus software is blocking it though, and would it start blocking it now when it hasn't ever done that before? I really miss playing the game on the browser. I hope that there is a way to solve this problem.

Reply by MysticalAlchemist on May 28, 2023

Forgot to say I'm using my pc.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on May 29, 2023

Very strange. I'm not quite sure how to fix this issue since it's working on every device that I've tried. Are you using a screen reader?

Reply by MysticalAlchemist on May 29, 2023

Yes, I do use a screen reader - NVDa (NonVisual desktop).

Reply by GolfCartLord on May 29, 2023

Hello Mallero,

I posted this in Discord on February 18th:

"Lately, within the past 2ish weeks, I've noticed the action log has sometimes stopped working. It displays as the top:

"[SYSTEM]: Welcome to Gacha Pets."

and after any action, nothing else is displayed, so i have no information about what items and rewards i am receiving."

Sometimes it's like the action log "catches up" with what happened in the game. It will randomly start working if it hasn't been working and rapidly outputs many previous actions. Or it just doesn't wok at all for a while.

I don't use a screen reader.

I'm playing on pc.

I've tried on both Firefox and Chrome and same thing on both browsers.

I've restarted my computer many times since this has been going on.

Reply by GolfCartLord on May 29, 2023

Action log is not working for me right now... I just tried again.

Reply by CrazyCobra on May 29, 2023

Mine seems fine. I am using google on an iPhone.

Reply by MysticalAlchemist on May 30, 2023

I also tried using Microsoft edge and the action log is not working their either. I can play the endless dungeon and mines of descent, but I will not be able to hear the rewards I receive or know when my pets level up. That isn't ideal, but I can look in my inventory later to see what I have and I can check the level of my pets in later as well. the endless forest is different though, because the action log is the only way I can navigate it. I don't see the map so without the action log I don't know when I need to use a lantern or which checkpoint I am on. I understand you might not be able to fix it because it might potentially be something on my end, and yet this is my favorite game, and the only game I play now... so not being able to access certain parts of it is difficult. I just wanted to send an update that I've tried all of my different browsers with no luck. Thank you for all the ways you are adding to and improving this game.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on May 31, 2023

It's very hard to fix a problem I can't reproduce. I'll probably have to try the screen readers you guys are using.

Reply by CrazyCobra on May 31, 2023

I will look again. One moment…

Reply by CrazyCobra on May 31, 2023

My log shows everything that I am doing in the forest.

Reply by CrazyCobra on May 31, 2023

I am using Google chrome for mobile.

Reply by GolfCartLord on June 1, 2023

I've been having this problem for 3 and a half months. I don't use a screen reader. I would really like to see the items I am getting as it adds a lot of fun to the game and now I'm having less fun.

Reply by GolfCartLord on June 5, 2023

The last 3 days or so have been great.. the action log has worked every time I've played without fail.

I played just now (9:15am Pacific daylight time) and unfortunately, the action log is currently not working.

Reply by GolfCartLord on June 5, 2023

also, the popup that tells what items were received after each battle isn't popping up at the moment

Reply by GolfCartLord on June 5, 2023

interesting... at 9:21am action log wasn't working, and I just tried again 2 minutes later (9:23am) and then it was working. Then, just now it stopped working again at 9:24am PDT

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on June 5, 2023

I have an update going live soon that contains a potential fix for this. It basically just ensures you're connected to the message relay after each action. I'll post another reply when I deploy it. Sorry about this guys! I'm really not sure why it's happening and why I can't seem to replicate the issue.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on June 6, 2023

Okay, the potential fix has been deployed. Let me know if it's working. You will need to do a full page refresh.

Reply by GolfCartLord on June 6, 2023

The action log is working for me as of now at 9:00am PDT. It is currently working before i did any refresh, then I tried after refreshing (control + F5) and it's still currently working. Thank you Malero.

Reply by MysticalAlchemist on June 6, 2023

The action log is working well for me now at 12:55 pm. Thank you!

Reply by GolfCartLord on June 8, 2023

Action log is not working for me at the moment

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on June 8, 2023

Well, dang. I may have to come up with a different method of populating the action log on the browser version. I tried it right after you replied and it’s was working fine for me.

Reply by MysticalAlchemist on June 13, 2023

Action Log is not working for me now.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on June 13, 2023

I can't connect either! It appears that AWS Lambda is having some issues right now.

Reply by MysticalAlchemist on June 13, 2023

Yay! The action log is working for me again!

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