Not able to use the auction house and consignment shop.

Posted by willla on Dec. 17, 2023

Hello, I would like to tell you that I am not able to use the auction house or consignment shop.
I am able to enter them, but I’m not allowed to buy or sale items from there, because there’s nowhere I can do it, there’s only a leave option when I scroll using voiceover. Also, is there a way I can be able to buy and sell items in the browser version? Or do I have to do it on the echo version? I am new to the browser version so I’m not really sure what to do. Do. and thanks. and I meant to say buy and sell items.


Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Dec. 18, 2023

The current plan is to make the Alexa interface work on the browser. It’s taking up too much of my time updating two versions of the game. That will also bring all the sound effects and background music to the browser version. The UI is terrible on both right now, but better on the Alexa version. Being able to focus on one version and improving it is something I’m looking forward to very much.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Dec. 18, 2023

Once that is done, you will be able to use the auction house on the browser. The consignment shop is currently voice only, but I will add a UI for it as part of the merge of the two versions. I plan on making that change in January.

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