Endless Forest Leaderboard

Leaderboard of the furthest points reached this week in the Endless Forest.

Rank Score Username User ID
1 16,205 Goro 228881
2 11,438 high evolutionary 176902
3 6,612 devilish anthony 239440
4 5,714 miracle guardian 232227
5 4,607 david 240667
6 3,711 Alecsa 237990
7 2,906 blind oracle 199339
8 2,103 scotty 181813
9 1,445 x 165540
10 1,238 samuel 239230
11 1,229 snowy owl 176361
12 1,102 thientran 242590
13 1,095 freya 8846
14 933 free bird 241612
15 932 necronomicon 238856
16 817 ali 239186
17 737 jay 231713
18 687 silver leaf 57 193172
19 642 Angelfish2020 242417
20 641 iceman 184401
21 570 susan 238232
22 489 idiot531 121580
23 485 Artemis 240135
24 427 kimberly 231689
25 396 santa claus 206004
26 396 king battle brai 7571
27 362 Anonymous 19322
28 351 kim 6208
29 278 Anonymous 241177
30 263 boss 240820
31 256 original gangster 8689
32 239 polyphemus 15011
33 236 peter x 13121
34 235 yogi bear 75981
35 234 the crystal tigress 209824
36 234 blinking 167033
37 184 j lo 199582
38 177 magistrate 236322
39 174 dynamite 200 234825
40 163 fat chocobo 239192
41 163 x 196457
42 153 Anonymous 236605
43 153 Alfi 227046
44 152 starlight glimme 239702
45 152 byron 214896
46 124 SamMan4 242678
47 109 pikachū 32980
48 88 toto the turtle 15619
49 85 drake 211977
50 78 charles mario 173590
51 77 chris 11377
52 76 Pets4Me 227811
53 75 sugar pie honey snow fairy princess 175373
54 75 MariLASS 226839
55 75 silver wolf 236527
56 75 green panda 11705
57 75 beowulf 36936
58 75 raven 242521
59 54 xrx 15843
60 54 the game 40964
61 26 bones 225345
62 25 BeefSupreme 205948
63 25 music lover 700 206522
64 25 hazelnut 237962
65 15 dragon piece 8,4 237057
66 14 Anonymous 241756
67 14 mark 242616
68 13 Anonymous 242654
69 12 braveheart 225835
70 11 x 102812
71 11 joseph 41222
72 0 Anonymous 242658
73 0 x 230921
74 0 Anonymous 237317
75 0 corvus and alkin 241412
76 0 JayJay 238778
77 0 Anonymous 242683
78 0 Anonymous 240450
79 0 claire 39007
80 0 i am 20,000,000, 242612
81 0 Anonymous 189926
82 0 beginner 233613
83 0 Anonymous 17190